Are you wondering how to write a positive review or testimonial for your wedding photographer but not sure where to start? Keep reading...

If you’ve landed on this page it means you have either opened this link I have sent you and you’re being very nice by humoring me or you’re also very nice for searching for tips on how to review your wedding photographer! 

Either way, I hope this guide is helpful and gives some background on why you should review all your wedding vendors' businesses and also what to write in an online review.

I’ll include a set of questions you can answer and some examples you can use as a starting point for your own review or testimonial.

Great reviews are specific, informative and personal. It’s important to write in your own voice, think about how you would recommend your wedding vendors to your best friend!

Personally I do quite like writing and overall it comes fairly naturally to me but I understand that not everyone feels the same way, so don’t feel that reviews need to be extensively long or formal, just say what you loved most and why. 

Where Should I Post My Review?

Personally, I find Google to be the best place to write a review, followed closely by Facebook. 

Why Should I Review my Wedding Photographer & Other Wedding Vendors?

Reviews are so important when it comes to a service based business like photography that is so highly dependent on the person physically behind the lens. Think back to when you were starting your wedding planning, venues and photographers are generally the first vendors booked.

Most photography businesses find the majority of their new clientele online. Whilst this is quite convenient for all parties involved, it does lose some of the personal touch and does leave an air of uncertainty as to how a photographer will perform/present themselves/behave on the actual wedding day. Think about how much more you would trust a business that is recommended to you by someone you respect and trust vs a business that your friend says "do not even go there!"

I don’t know about you, but before I buy a product or book a service I’m unfamiliar with - or book a restaurant I haven’t been to before! - you bet I’m looking at their Google or Facebook reviews! Now just imagine how important it is for anyone looking to spend thousands of dollars with a photographer they may never have heard of without having this person recommended by friends or family or by other previous customers. 

Wedding photography cannot be repeated, there’s no exchange for change of mind, so new clients need to be reassured they are getting the best service they can afford. 

Reviews and recommendations is the one thing that as photographers we cannot do ourselves nor pay for, it is something we must humbly ask of our clients. This is where we really need your help to help us stand out and demonstrate what our unique value really is.

Why Should I Review my Wedding Photographer & Other Wedding Vendors?

Reviews are so important when it comes to a service based business like photography that is so highly dependent on the person physically behind the lens. Think back to when you were starting your wedding planning, venues and photographers are generally the first vendors booked.

Most photography businesses find the majority of their new clientele online. Whilst this is quite convenient for all parties involved, it does lose some of the personal touch and does leave an air of uncertainty as to how a photographer will perform/present themselves/behave on the actual wedding day. Think about how much more you would trust a business that is recommended to you by someone you respect and trust vs a business that your friend says "do not even go there!"

I don’t know about you, but before I buy a product or book a service I’m unfamiliar with - or book a restaurant I haven’t been to before! - you bet I’m looking at their Google or Facebook reviews! Now just imagine how important it is for anyone looking to spend thousands of dollars with a photographer they may never have heard of without having this person recommended by friends or family or by other previous customers. 

Wedding photography cannot be repeated, there’s no exchange for change of mind, so new clients need to be reassured they are getting the best service they can afford. 

Reviews and recommendations is the one thing that as photographers we cannot do ourselves nor pay for, it is something we must humbly ask of our clients.

This is where we really need your help to help us stand out and demonstrate what our unique value really is.

Questions to Answer in your Review

Use the questions below as prompts to aid in writing your review. Choose the ones that resonate with you most!’

How did you find your wedding photographer?

What service did you book them for (engagement/wedding/family shoot?) 

What made you choose this particular photographer? 

What were you looking for in a photographer and why did this business suit you? 

How did the experience feel? 

How was the photographers communication with you? 

How was the process of working together? 

What did the photographer do that sticks in your mind? 

What do you think of your finished photos and turn around times?

Great Reviews Bring the Journey to a Close

I’m sure I’m not alone when I say this, but I’m always quite nervous - but also very excited - when delivering clients their finished galleries. After the enormous journey leading up to the wedding day, the wedding day itself, culling and editing the photos, tossing up between different edits, meeting deadlines etc it can be quite deflating to not receive any response after we hit that send button. 

I’ve photographed many weddings and been part of bridal parties myself so I know how much work and, emotion and stress can lead up to a wedding day so I completely understand that once the day is over it’s quite normal to want the process to just be over - in a good way! But knowing that my clients are happy with their photos means I can be proud of the work I’ve produced and know this is what clients are booking me for. 

What to do if you don't Feel That you Can Give your Photographer a 5-Star Review?

5 star reviews are immensely important and are the standard in the photography industry for clients who are happy with their photographers work. But, it is also immensely important to me that I do receive any constructive feedback that may help improve my services and offerings in the future. I completely welcome any constructive feedback to be emailed to me - in fact, I really do request it! 

The only way we can improve in all areas of life are to learn from our mistakes or areas of downfall, so it is vital I receive this feedback. If there is anything you are concerned about with your photography service and final gallery or products, then letting me know gives me an opportunity to put things right. 

Pieces of constructive feedback that might be helpful to email me could include: 

  • Was there a part of the process that was frustrating or difficult for you?
  • Was there something I mentioned but failed to follow through on it?
  • Did the photos not match up to your expectations or the work I showed?
  • Was there something about my conduct, communication or attitude that you didn’t appreciate? 
  • Absolutely anything else that you think wasn’t quite up to scratch or didn’t sit right with you? 

Writing negative reviews on public forums can seriously hurt small businesses like my own, so whilst I can’t control what is written in these spaces I would really prefer to receive this feedback directly so I can right any wrongs! 

Final Words...

If you’ve got this far, seriously, THANK YOU! 

This post ended up being a little longer than anticipated but I hope this information is helpful when you sit down to write your photographer or other wedding vendor the glowing review they deserve. 

Key points to take away:

  • Leave your reviews on Google or Facebook

  • Keep the review specific, informative and personal

  • No need for formalities, write as though you are recommending your photographer to a friend 

Finally, thank you for taking the time to support my small business. You have no idea how grateful I am for you to take your time to read this and to write a review to help my business continue to flourish and allow me to do what I love doing - capturing love stories.